Vets for Jess
I am humbled and honored to receive the endorsement of veterans and military families who are coming together with Vets for Jess here in South Central.
We all agree that sending our servicemen and women into battle should be our very last recourse – and that we must honor their sacrifice by exhausting diplomatic and developmental tactics first. When we continue to cut State Department funding, we need to buy more bullets and risk more lives. We also agree that we have a duty to protect and care for our veterans when they return home. The men and women who put their lives on the line for our country have a right to health care, affordable housing, and higher education as they pursue civilian life in the United States. The families of our veterans deserve pre- and post-deployment support to ensure the best possible transition. If elected to Congress, I will vote to strengthen the VA – not privatize it, will protect the reforms of the Veterans’ Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act, and will work to streamline and fully fund the Dept. of Veteran Affairs.